
Priorities of Justice & Peace International

Priorities of Justice & Peace International   


Our concern:

The impact of wars and violence on people and on their lives, and on the environment, and their prevention.


1. Lobbying by the OP Family at the UN, EC, UNESCO, WTO-WSF; as well as participation in campaigns by other international groups (Caritas International, Amnesty International, Oxfam, Pax Christi, etc.)

2. Education of the young and of families, through OP institutions and parishes; produce leaflets about peace and human security

3. Liturgy: August 6, Feast of the Transfiguration, Hiroshima Day (by region)


Inspired by Populorum Progressio and Catholic Social Teachings/Theological Reflection, we will focus on MDG’s:

1. Draft a letter to the OP UN Missions, ref: OP Family support for MDG’s (UN NY office, September 2006)

2. Draft nationally a letter, ref: OP family support for MDG’s [per region: N America in July 2006; Asia-Pacific in October 2006; CIDALC; CODALC in January 2007; Africa in February 2007]

3. National support/monitoring of MDG’s through the lens of our Theological Vision


Who are they?

– Migrants

– Immigrants

– Humans Trafficked

– Refugees

-Displaced Peoples

Why do we care?

“Doing Justice to the Alien” is part of our Biblical faith. 

We propose:

1. To identify at least one of the above groups “to accompany” (each region)

2. To develop a theological document on their chosen “people on the move” for submission to the General Co-promoters by December 2007 (each region). Such document would include how could minister to them? What advocacies can we take up, on their behalf?

3.To develop a global OP family prayer on “Peoples on the move,” by December 2006 (Asia-Pacific)


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