
English Predicarte 2011

Dominican Family Artists´ Meeting from Latin America and the Caribbean.

11th to 18th September 2011.
Cusco –Peru.Email:

Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Dominican Family;

We are writing to invite you to 3rd PREDICARTE of Latin America and the Caribbean that will take place in the city of Cusco from the 11th to the 18th of September in 2011.

From the beginning of our Order the art has been considered a way to predication since our inner nature has developed the movement of the Spirit as a smooth breeze that it allows us to glimpse something of God Mystery in history.

The 2011 is an emblematic year for our memory in the Continent since we celebrate the 500 years of the communitarian predication of our first Community in
America which could hear the local people clamour and it turned into an effective compassion. That´s why we have chosen as a motto to motivate our encounter:
Life cries out and demands our compassion.

According to our motto we wish to eco the experience of our charisma from the beauty appreciation.
We invite all members of the Dominican Family , sisters, brothers , nuns, friars, lay men, lay women who have developed their creativity and they hand it to the service of predication through any of the artistic disciplines: music, literature, poetry, plastic Art, theatre, dancing audiovisual aids, photography, cinema, handicrafts, body expression, etc.

We are open to all the dimensions of the beauty in its many manifestations.
The meeting will take place in the Saint Domingo del Cusco convent, and the accommodation service of the participants will be at the two hostels of our Dominican sisters which are adjoining to the convent on the Awaqpinta Street. We think it will be

appropriate to realize this event in the context of a city with a strong history memory and of great artistic interests .
The cost of the event will be u$s 250 which includes accommodations, meals, materials, and a community visit to the Sacred Valley.
It is important to take into consideration that the city of Cusco it is at 3.400 msnm, we know that this will be a limitation for some persons who have problems with height; those who have doubts about this topic can make their medical consultations in your cities. The meeting will start on the 11th of September in the afternoon so as to give the participants the enough time to adapt to the height. We are going to send you the respective recommendations in the following communications.
The dynamics of the meeting will include reflection and celebration moments, instances of sharing our art and the way of living it. We will also perform workshops to enjoy doing art together and getting in touch with the opportunities this significant city offers us.
The exposition of our works of art will be open to public so the meeting will be a community Predication in itself. Each participant will be responsible not only for the removal of the works of art but also the exhibition procedures.
We advise you to pay attention to the information we ask for in the registration file card. The registration deadline will be on 22nd May 2011.
We are sending you the planned activities schedule and more useful information.
The Machu Picchu visit has not been planned , if anyone wants to stay after the meeting we ask you to tell us in advance in order to book a room in the same hostel.
We hope those who are attracted by art will be able to participate and go on building our space of artists of the Dominican Family in Latin America and the Caribbean,
We greet you calling on Saint Domingo and our blessed brother Angelico´ s blessing who showed us a path for the encounter with God through the beauty.
In the communion of our charisma:
The Organizational Team:
Sister Valeria Nougués OP: Chief Coordinator. Artists Assosiatists
Fr Luis Enrique Ramirez Camacho OP. Local Coordinator.
Sister Nelly Bustincio OP : Logistics.
Sister Alice Bu rton Op: Communication Assistant.
Ana Cecilia Aguirre : Argentina. Image Coordination.

Letter translation to English: Lic María del Carmen Cornaglia.


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