
Dominican Women Theologians in AL… What we do

Dominican Women Theologians in Latin America (CODALC)… What we do

The main purpose in getting together is to encourage women in their theological reflection, to develop an integration between the insights of feminist theology and the elements of the Dominican Charism, to develop a feminine way of doing theology that includes art, experience, ritual, symbols, gestures.

The forming of a supportive network of women theologians is an important objective for the group. By having national meetings about once a year, the network is gradually building up. Delegates are elected by these groups to participate in the international or continental gatherings.

We also encourage Sisters to write and have published some articles in CODAL publications.

The group has now got its own coordination team and organization established. María José Caram is the present coordiantor. She lives in Perú and is Director of the Pastoral institute for the Southern Andes.

We have detected those who are the leading lights among the Sisters in the theological field, but also we have encouraged all Sisters who work in other fields to give attention to the theoogical aspects of their mission.

We would like to build up a network with our sisters in North America and sewhere·..connecting currents and prepare for an international meeting in Peru in October 2001.

It is also our hope that at some stage Dominican Sisters International might host a world meeting of Dominican Theologians at some future date

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